Massage Therapy at Birds Ferry Lodge

Guests staying at Birds Ferry Lodge can further relax by enjoying a therapeutic massage. The combination of spa and massage will have you thinking you are in heaven! Andre holds a Certificate of Qualification in Holistic Massage Therapy, which is recognized with New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

Massage therapy is the systematized manipulation of soft tissues for the purpose of normalizing them. Practitioners use a variety of physical methods including applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, or causing movement to the body. Therapists primarily use their hands, but may also use their forearms, elbows, or feet.
The basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well-being.

Touch is the core ingredient of massage therapy and also combines science and art. Practitioners learn specific techniques for massage and use their sense of touch to determine the right amount of pressure to apply to each person and locate areas of tension and other soft-tissue problems. Touch also conveys a sense of caring, an important component in the healing relationship.

When muscles are overworked, waste products such as lactic acid can accumulate in the muscle, causing soreness, stiffness, and even muscle spasm.

Massage improves circulation, which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This can assist the elimination of waste products, speed healing after injury, and enhance recovery from disease.

Therapeutic massage can be used to promote general well-being and enhance self-esteem, while boosting the circulatory and immune systems to benefit blood pressure, circulation, muscle tone, digestion, and skin tone. It has been incorporated into many health systems, and different massage techniques have been developed and integrated into various complementary therapies.

To arrange your massage appointment please speak to either Alison or Andre.

30 Minutes $55
60 minutes $75

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Birds Ferry Lodge, Westport, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand.
Tel 021 337 217
Free phone Customer Line in New Zealand 0800 212 207

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Andre- Qualified Holistic Massage Therapist

